€6.95 per meter

Embroidey Lace Lamé

Embroidey lace lamé is perfect to be used as adorn in your most formal and elegant pieces of clothes. It has a nice golden thread that provides the lace a little shine. Available in two widths. 


Customer ratings

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price €1.72 (tax excl.)
price €2.08 (tax incl.)
Tax included
Quantity Last items in stock

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Product detail

7.7 meters


  • Width 45 mm
    85 mm

Detailed information

The embroidery lace cords lamé has an elegant look thanks to the shiny metallic touch. You will find lamé in different Golden colours, embroideries in relieves on a cotton cord, which is available in many colours.

We have two widths available: 4,5 cm and 8,5 mm

Now you can create remarkable garments with this detail. You can sew the braids on the collars or the sleeves to add a touch or a little shiny sparkle on them. Moreover, you will be able to use it as adorn in your crafts.

Which are the features of this embroidery lace cords lamé?

  • Available in two widths: 45 mm and 85 mm.

Embroidery in relief with Golden thread over background in the following colours: Black, Crème, bottle green and garnet red.

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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