Ojos de Seguridad Móviles

The Mobile Safety Eyes are perfect to place on your amigurumis. There are 3 sizes available: 18, 22, and 24 mm. These eyes present a mobile pupil providing a funny touch to your creations.

Each pack includes 2 pairs: 4 eyes in total.


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The Mobile Safety Eyes are perfect to provide a funny touch to your crocheted amigurumis or dolls. You can also profit them to provide a realistic touch to them, as these eyes are mobile!

Thanks to its safety closure, they are able to place on amigurumis or dolls for your children. These eyes are perfect to attach to your creations and completely safe: children will not take them to their mouths.

These eyes are made of plastic and present a white background lined by a transparent plastic layer and including a black pupil in the center.

On the back you will find a little screw perfect to attach your eyes to your amigurumis safely.

Which are the features of the Mobile Safety Eyes?

  • Safety eyes presenting mobile pupils for amigurumis.
  • 3 sizes available: 18 mm, 22 mm, and 24 mm.
  • Safe for children.
  • Made of plastic.

Amount of Mobile Safety Eyes on each pack:

  • 4 eyes: 2 pairs.

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4 out of 5
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