€18.49 per meter

Tilda Doll Fabric

The Tilda Doll Fabric is designed for the skin tones of handmade dolls. This fabric is made of 100% cotton and is available in 3 skin tones: Stone, Biscuit, and Caramel, perfect for Tilda dolls. It measures 110 cm wide.

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  "total_amount_to_display_wt" => "price €5.55 (tax incl.)"
price €4.58 (tax excl.)
price €5.55 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 9 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

12.85 meters

Detailed information

The Tilda Doll Fabric is made of 100% cotton and is available in 3 different colors perfect for the skin tones of your Tilda dolls.

You can choose among the colors Stone, Caramel, and Biscuit, 3 ideal skin tones.

This fabric measures 110 cm wide and is washable at up to 60ºC. It is made of 100% cotton and has the Oeko-Tex® Standard 100 certificate. Keep in mind this fabric may shrink between 3% and 4%.

Which are the features of the Tilda Doll Fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton.
  • Width: 110 cm.
  • Available in 3 skin tones: Stone, Caramel, and Biscuit.
  • Perfect for making the skin of your Tilda dolls.
  • Washable at up to 60ºC.
  • Tumble dry allowed.
  • This fabric can shrink between 3% and 4%.
  • Oeko-Tex® certificate.