€19.60 per meter

Soft-Shell Fabric Katia - Ants & Music

Ants & Music by Katia is a Soft-Shell fabric. This one is made of two different fabrics: the external one is made of neoprene and the inner one is quilted. Your projects made from this fabric will be waterproof, warm and they will serve as a windbreaker at the same time!


Customer ratings

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price €4.86 (tax excl.)
price €5.88 (tax incl.)
Tax included
Quantity Last items in stock

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Product detail

2.9 meters

Detailed information

Katia presents the Ants & Music Fabric. Its composition allows for getting impermeable and warm results at the same time thanks to its two types of fabrics. On the outside, it is a fabric made of neoprene, very resistant and waterproof. On the other side you will find a quilted and polar fabric which will keep you warm on the coldest days of winter.

Thanks to its features, this is the perfect fabric to create garments such as coats, windbreakers, jackets, sweaters, or trousers. You can also create accessories such as bags or little purses!

This fabric is suitable for all skins thanks to its Standard 100 Oeko-Tex certificate which guarantees that any pesticide or chemical substance have been used during its production.

The Soft-Shell Fabric – Ants & Music is made of:

  • 94% polyester
  • 6% spandex

The spandex (neoprene) is a synthetic fiber known by its resistance and elasticity.

Which are the features of this fabric?

  • Soft-Shell fabric
  • Composition: 94% cotton and 6% elastane. 
  • Width: around 145-150 cm
  • Weight: 320gr/mt2
  • Standard 100 Oeko-Tex certificate
  • Design: blue background with dots of different colors and thickness
  • Size of the biggest dot: 1,5 cm

Recommendations for this fabric:

  • Washable at up to 30ºC with a short spin cycle.
  • Do not use products containing bleach.
  • Do not tumble dry.
  • Iron at low temperature.

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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