€13.00 per meter

Katia Plumetti Fabric – Vintage White

The Plumetti Fabric – Vintage White by Katia is a fresh and hanging woven fabric which will provide an original and elegant aspect to your garments and accessories. It is ideal for the whole family thanks to its cotton composition, as it is hypoallergenic and will not cause any allergic reactions. Sew your own garments!


Customer ratings

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price €3.22 (tax excl.)
price €3.90 (tax incl.)
Tax included
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Product detail

0.25 meters

Detailed information

Katia presents the Plumetti Fabric – Vintage White, a hypoallergenic fabric suitable for all skins, including the most sensitive ones. You can use it for children, babies, and adults: this fabric will not cause any allergic reaction thanks to its cotton composition!

The plumetti-type fabric is characterized for being fresh and lightweight, perfect to sew garments and accessories for spring and summer. Sew garments with an elegant and beautiful hanging effect such as blouses, dresses, t-shirts, and much more!

The design of this fabric consists of a vertical embroidery with white dots in relief matching with the background. A classic and simple design which will please everybody!

Which are the features of the Plumetti Fabric – Vintage White?

  • Plumetti fabric
  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Width: 145-150 cm
  • Weight: 80 gr/mt2
  • Universal 70/80-thick needle recommended
  • Design: white fabric with a vertical embroidery and subtle dots in relief

Recommendations for this fabric:

  • Wash or vaporize before seaming or cutting.
  • Washable at up to 30ºC.
  • Short-spin cycle.
  • Iron at up to 110ºC.
  • Suitable for tumble dry.
  • Do not bleach.
  • Dry cleanable.

Think outside the box and discover all the projects you can carry through thanks to this cool and soft plumetti fabric!

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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