€14.00 per meter

Muslin Fabric Katia - Foxes

The Muslin Fabric Foxes by Katia Fabrics is a mustard tone fabric with a fox and flower print. The fabric is soft and has a very original slightly crinkled look. It is perfect to create autumn and winter clothes for children or babies.


Customer ratings

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price €3.47 (tax excl.)
price €4.20 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 7 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

13.45 meters

Detailed information

The Katia Muslin fabric - Foxes is a double layer fabric perfect to make autumn and winter garments. It is very pleasant to the touch and has a slightly crinkled design that gives an original touch to your clothes.

It is perfect for making clothes for children and babies, such as shirts, trousers, dresses, overalls, jumpsuits and much more. The print shows foxes collecting and smelling flowers, and investigating with magnifying glasses. The background is in a mustard tone.

What are the features of the Katia Muslin Fabric Foxes ?

  • 100% cotton fabric.
  • Certified Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex®.
  • Width : 130-135 cm approximately.
  • Weight : 125 grams/mt2.

What are the recommendations for the fabric Katia Foxes ?

  • It is recommended to wash the fabric before creating the clothes as it can shrink.
  • Machine washable at 40ºC maximum.
  • Low iron 110ºC.
  • Do not machine dry.
  • Do not bleach.
  • Dry cleanable.
  • Universal needle thickness 70/80.

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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