€23.00 per meter

Katia Waterproof Canvas Fabric – Provence

The Katia Waterproof Canvas Fabric – Provence presents a waterproof, stain-resistant and water-repellent treatment, which makes it the ideal fabric for making tablecloths, toiletry bags and other water- and stain-repellent accessories.


Customer ratings

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price €6.90 (tax incl.)
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price €5.70 (tax excl.)
price €6.90 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 11 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

27 meters

Detailed information

The Katia Waterproof Canvas Fabric – Provence presents a layer of acrylic resin to the cotton. Perfect for making tablecloths!

Its waterproof treatment includes an anti-stain and water repellent finish. This makes it the ideal for making tablecloths, table covers, toiletry bags and other home accessories.

Its design consists of a colorful coral background and a print of soft flowers and small leaves in yellow.

Which are the features of the Katia Waterproof Canvas Fabric – Provence?

  • Canvas made of 100% cotton with a waterproof treatment.
  • Anti-stain and water-repellent properties.
  • Width: around 140cm.
  • Weight: 200gr/m2.

Washing recommendations:

  • Washable at up to 30ºC.
  • Iron at low temperature.
  • Tumble dry at low temperature.

Customer ratings

4 out of 5
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