€15.00 per meter

Antibacterial Cotton Fabric - Poplin - Solid - Katia

The Katia's antibacterial cotton fabric - Poplin - Solid is ideal for making masks or other protective accessories. It is an antibacterial fabric, which will prevent the passage of saliva. With this fabric available in plain colours, you can easily make your own masks. It is ideal for all members of your family!


Customer ratings

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price €3.72 (tax excl.)
price €4.50 (tax incl.)
Tax included

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Product detail

28.6 meters

Detailed information

Katia presents the antibacterial poplin fabric - Solid. This fabric is available in a variety of solid colours and is certified to Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex®, so it is suitable for textile production: no pesticides or chemicals were used in its production!

Poplin is characterised by its lightness. This type of fabric is perfect for the whole family because of its hypoallergenic composition in cotton, a totally natural material. Avoid irritation and allergic reactions. 

This fabric has been treated with biocides, an antibacterial treatment that will kill all types of bacteria. Furthermore, the fabric is water-repellent, which will prevent saliva from passing through your mask.

You can use it to cover your masks or put two layers on, to create a reversible and totally safe mask. Let your imagination do the talking! There are 11 colours available: light, dark, neutral, cheerful... 

What are the characteristics of this fabric?

  • Poplin fabric, light and pleasant to the touch.
  • Composition: 100% cotton, hypoallergenic.  
  • Width: 150 cm.
  • Weight: 115 gr/mt2.
  • Standard 100 by Oeko-Tex® certificate.
  • Antibacterial treatment that kills bacteria.
  • The water-repellent treatment will prevent the passage of water and saliva.
  • 11 plain colours available.

What are the recommendations for this fabric?

  • Machine washable at a maximum temperature of 60ºC and with bleach-free products. 
  • Use a neutral detergent.
  • You can put it in the tumble dryer. 
  • It is recommended to iron it at 120ºC/140ºC for 10 seconds. 
  • After 25 washes, the fabric will start to lose its properties. 

Customer ratings

4 out of 5
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