
Stitch Markers - Durable

The Durable Stitch Markers are perfect to mark your stitches during your project. They are very easy to place and remove, ideal to facilitate your work. Each package includes 15 stitch markers.


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Product detail


Detailed information

The Durable Stitch Markers are an accessory presenting a pin shape perfect to mark your stitches. They will help you remember the row you were doing or where you need to change the stitch you are working!

Each package includes 15 stitch markers: 10 small ones, and 5 big ones. The small stitches measure around 2 cm and the big ones around 3 cm. Depending on the yarn you are knitting, you need to use a different marker size.

These stitch markers are available in different bright colors which will help you identify them quick on your project.

The package consists of a small metallic box perfect to store them.

Which are the features of the Durable Stitch Markers?

  • Each pack includes 15 stitch markers: 5 big ones (around 3 cm) and 10 small ones (around 2 cm).
  • Small metallic box perfect to store them.
  • Made of plastic and available in different colors: blue, orange, yellow, and fuchsia.

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