Sew Easy Quilters Flexible Curve 50 cm
  • Sew Easy Quilters Flexible Curve 50 cm

Sew Easy Quilters Flexible Curve 50 cm

Flexible ruler of rubber Sew Easy of 50 cm. Perfect to make different shapes in your works in patchwork and quilting, bending it how you want. It keep the shape still you want.


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Product detail


Detailed information

Flexible ruler of rubber of 50 cm Sew Easy is a perfect ruler to make the shape you need. You can to bend it.

The ruler will be bended in the shape you gives it still you want.

It's a perfect tool for quilters and patchwork's lovers, to make all the shapes in fabrics.

It's numbered still 50 cm of lenght.

It's perfect to use in different skills:

  • Quilting
    • Work a lot of curves and different shapes.
    • Make curved lines for padding.
  • Applications
    • Make applications designing borders with elegant curves or fabric with differet shapes.
  • Patterns and dressmaking
    • Use it like design tool to make scyes, collars and sleeves thanks of its curve.
    • Create patterns with curved lines.
  • Decoration for the home
    • Create ends of fabrics with waves to make cushions, blankets...

It's the perfect accessory to make a lot of different shapes with your fabrics.

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