
Ruler and Needle Gauge Set - Cocoknits

The Ruler and Needle Gauge Set by CocoKnits includes 2 practical accessories to use during your projects. This set presents a 20-cm long ruler to measure your projects and a needle gauge very helpful to identify the thickness of your knitting needles from 2 to 12 mm. Both accessories are made of a biodegradable material.


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The Ruler and Needle Gauge Set by CocoKnits includes 2 practical accessories. The set consists of a 20-cm long ruler marked in centimeters and inches and a needle gauge.

The gauge will help you check the thickness of your knitting needles. This accessory features 19 holes in different diameters marked in millimeters and inches. To know the thickness of your needle, you only need to introduce it on the different holes to check which one fits best.

Both accessories include a magnet to attach them to magnet mats.

Which are the features of the Ruler and Needle Gauge Set by CocoKnits?

  • This set includes:
    - 1 ruler of 20 cm long marked in centimeters and inches
    - 1 needle gauge suitable for the following thicknesses: 2 mm - 2,25 mm - 2,5 mm - 2,75 mm - 3 mm - 3,25 mm - 3,5 mm - 3,75 mm - 4 mm - 4,5 mm - 5 mm - 5,5 mm - 6 mm - 6,5 mm - 7 mm - 8 mm - 9 mm - 10 mm - 12 mm
  • Accessories made of 100% polylactic acid: a biodegradable vegetable fiber
  • Ruler size: 20 x 2.5 cm
  • Gauge size: 25 x 3.5 cm

The polylactic acid is 100% biodegradable. It is not soluble in water and does not contain plastic.

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