€15.99 per meter

Cotton Fabric - Superman

The Superman cotton fabric is ideal for superhero fans. You can sew it into any shape you want, and get personalised clothing and accessories for yourself or a family member.

This cotton fabric is soft to the touch and lightweight, and you'll love the Superman-inspired design.

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price €3.96 (tax excl.)
price €4.80 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 7 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

43.7 meters

Detailed information

The Superman fabric is made from cotton fibres, so it is soft to the touch and hypoallergenic. All members of the family can wear this cool, lightweight fabric which will not cause allergic reactions on contact with the skin. 

It is a versatile fabric, you can use it for summer or winter projects, just add an extra inner layer of fleece and you have a warm garment for cold days! You can also create a whole range of accessories, both clothing and decorative, like sheets, backpacks, curtains, cushion covers, etc.

The pattern of this fabric represents the most famous superhero: Superman. The background of the fabric is white, with a print of Superman in different poses, ready to save humanity from the villains. 

What are the characteristics of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Hypoallergenic fabric, ideal for all members of the family.
  • Print: Ecru fabric with Superman
  • Width: 150 cm

What are the washing recommendations for this fabric?

  • Machine washable at 30°C maximum.
  • Tumble dry at medium temperature.
  • Iron 150ºC maximum.
  • Do not bleach.

This fabric is perfect for your children or grandchildren... Don't miss the opportunity to create unique and original projects for them!