€18.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric - Marvel - Comic

The Marvel Comic Cotton Fabric is a hypoallergenic fabric presenting a print inspired by the superhero comics of the well-known author Stan Lee. Thanks to this fabric you can create all type of garments and accessories for the little ones in the family such as school bags, lunch bags, t-shirts and even masks!


Customer ratings

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price €4.70 (tax excl.)
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price €4.70 (tax excl.)
price €5.69 (tax incl.)
Tax included
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Product detail


Detailed information

The Marvel Comic Cotton Fabric is a fabric made of cotton: a hypoallergenic material suitable for the most sensitive skins. Try right now this original fabric and create all type of light and comfortable projects and accessories for the whole family!

Design school and lunch bags, t-shirts, pillowcases and masks. Make your children feel like true superheroes! 

Its design inspired by the Marvel comics presents the most well-known superheroes of this saga: Hulk, Captain America, Iron Man, Spiderman, Thor, Black Widow and Hawkeye. You children will love this colorful fabric!

Which are the features of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton.
  • Hypoallergenic fabric, perfect for the whole family.
  • Design: fabric presenting a blue background inspired by the Marvel comics. 
  • Width: 110 cm.

Recommendations for this fabric:

  • Washable at up to 30ºC.
  • Tumble dry at mid temperature.
  • Iron at up to 150ºC.
  • Do not bleach.

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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