€10.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric – Marvel 2

The Cotton Fabric – Marvel 2 presents a print including Superman, Captains America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Hulk. If you like superheroes this is the perfect fabric for you! You will find it ideal for all type of projects for both children and adults. This fabric is around 150 cm wide and is made of 100% cotton.


Customer ratings

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price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
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  "total_amount_to_display_wt" => "price €3.29 (tax incl.)"
price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
Tax included
Quantity Last items in stock

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Product detail

5.75 meters

Detailed information

The Cotton Fabric – Marvel 2 presents a print of several Marvel superheroes where we can find Spiderman, Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow, Iron Man, and Hulk. Perfect for those comic lovers and superheroes movies!

This fabric measures 150 cm wide and you can use it on different projects such as decorative accessories, garments, and home decorations. Ideal for patchwork and sewing projects!

As this fabric is made of 100% cotton, you will find it very breathable and comfortable to wear. Thanks to its hypoallergenic features, it is suitable for sensitive skins of babies and children.

You can use it to make accessories and decorations for children such as quilts, pillows, and curtains. Your children will love it!

Which are the features of the Cotton Fabric – Marvel 2?

  • Composition: 100% cotton.
  • Width: around 150 cm.
  • Print of different Marvel characters.

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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