Pony Color Knitting Needles

Knitting needles of colours by Pony, in aluminium of excellent quality. Available in metallic colours, with a perfect anonized finished that gives a protective layer.


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  • Length 40 cm
  • Material Aluminium

Detailed information

Knitting needles of colours Pony, made in aluminium with a perfect finished in metallic colours and intense tones, and a big variety of thickness.

The brand Pony offers this knitting needles of excellent quality, polished and anonized, meaning that they contain a process that gives a protective shape that will do them more durables and also allow to apply them the brilliant colours.

There are available in 9 different sizes.

Each thickness is of a different metallic colour:

  • 2,00 mm : Fuchsia
  • 2,50 mm : Light green
  • 3,00 mm : Pale pink
  • 3,50 mm : Gold
  • 4,00 mm : Red
  • 4,50 mm : Green
  • 5,00 mm : Yellow
  • 6,00 mm : Turquoise
  • 7,00 mm : Gold

You will find that these knitting needles will make easy your work  because of its perfect sliding of the yarn or the thread. Also they are very light and they don't bend easily.

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