Pony French Knitter with Accessories
  • Pony French Knitter with Accessories

Pony French Knitter with Accessories

French knitter with accessories by Pony, divisible in 2 pieces to knit a lot of sewing pieces with different techniques. It include 1 weaver figure, 18 picks of different shapes and a needle for looms.


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Detailed information

French knitter with accessories Pony. This weaver figure is very easy to use, it include instructions for its easy use. You can knit cord or tubular sewing pieces to make jewellery like necklace or bracelets and any complement, accessory or decoration for your creations.

This kit contain:

  • 1 French knitter
  • 12 Picks (11 with round head and 1 of plane head)
  • 6 Picks with U shape
  • 1 Needle for looms
  • 3 Rings of rubber

Depending on the kind of yarn tube, you can add more or less picks to the french knitter, also you can choose the kind of it you want to use.

The pick of plane head will be used like guide to know where is the first point.

One of the main characteristics of this accessorie is that it will be separed in 2 different pieces. The rubber's rings will be used to make strong the union amoung the 2 pieces. 

The cord of yarn and thread are used to design jewellery and make beautiful handles for bags, cover cables to decore it and more manualcrafts.

The picks of round head or with U shape should be introduced in the french knitter. The picks with U shape are used in depth threads and yarns.

The french knitter is to easy, funny and enjoyable.

The colours of this product are random.

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