
Clover Pen Style Needle Felting Tool

The Pen Style Needle Felting Tool by Clover is very comfortable to hold thanks to its handle. This needle is adjustable in three different thickness: 1, 2, or 3 felting needles. You can also adjust the length in two sizes.


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The Pen Style Needle Felting Tool by Clover will let you place 1, 2, or 3 needles depending on the project you are going to work. You can adjust this needle in two different sizes.

Adjust your needle depending on your project!

Which are the features of the Pen Style Needle Felting Tool by Clover?

  • Felting needle adjustable in three thickness and two different lengths, suitable to place 1, 2, or 3 needles.
  • Pen shape for an easier grip, very comfortable to use. 
  • Cap included to protect your needles while not using them.
  • Made of steel and ABS resin.

How many needles do I need to use?

  • Place 3 needles for a quick finish.
  • Place 2 needles to create lines.
  • Place 1 needle for delicate works.

Which length do I need to use?

  • Choose the short length in case you are going to work natural felt, roving wool, felt fabrics, or wool.
  • Choose the long length in case you are going to work mid-thick yarns or cotton and felt fabrics.

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