
Ear saver for masks

Ear saver for masks is a useful accessory perfect for people who need to wear face masks for many hours. Place the ear loops on this rubber accessory and wear your mask comfortably. Available in white and black shades.


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Detailed information

This ear saver is an accessory that will allow you to place the mask loops directly behind your head, so that it will help to protect your ears. This accessory has 3 stops to fit your head properly.

If you will wear masks for many hours at a time, this ear saver will be comfortable and very useful, as it will avoid rubbing and wounds on the back of the ears.

It is made of a similar to plastic, flexible and waterproof material. You can choose the colour that best suits your mask: white or black.

Which are the features of this accessory?

  • Dimensions: 16 cm long and 2.5 mm wide
  • Material: flexible plastic
  • Colour: black or white
  • 3 sizes adjustable
  • Suitable for all types of masks
  • Easily adjustable to the shape of your head
  • It avoids rubbing and wounds on your ears
  • Ideal for wearing masks for hours

Protect yourself with maximum comfort!

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