Driftwood Double-Pointed Needles - Lykke

The Driftwood Double-Pointed Needles by Lykke are made of high-quality wood and present a soft and polished surface. They are available in 2 different lengths of 15 and 20 cm and sizes. Each pack includes 5 double-pointed needles.


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The Driftwood Double-Pointed Needles by Lykke are available in different sizes and 2 lengths: 15 and 20 cm. Perfect to adjust to any yarn!

These double-pointed needles are very practical for circular knitting and avoid seams. Each package has 5 needles. 4 of them will be practical to maintain the perimeter of the work, and with the last one you will be knitting your project.

These needles are made of high-quality needles and present an elegant aspect. They are polished to slide your stitches and they are very soft and lightweight.

Which are the features of the Driftwood Double-Pointed Needles by Lykke?

  • Pack of 5 double-pointed needles in the following sizes: from 2 mm to 9 mm.
  • 2 lengths available: 15 and 20 cm.
  • Made of high-quality wood.
  • Practical for circular knitting and avoid seams.

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