€15.99 per meter

Cotton Fabric - Lion King

The Lion King cotton fabric is perfect to give a very original touch to your home decoration. The little ones will love its design inspired by the Lion King movie, with a print of the main characters. Get this fabric and easily create accessories or clothes that are light and pleasant to the touch.


Customer ratings

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price €3.96 (tax excl.)
price €4.80 (tax incl.)
Tax included
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Product detail


Detailed information

This cotton fabric - Lion King will make the little ones at home fall in love. You will create adorable and fun clothes and accessories, with a fresh and pleasant to the touch result. The fabric is made of cotton, so it is hypoallergenic and will not cause allergic reactions on sensitive skin. 

Give your kids a treat with this original cartoon-themed fabric. You can create personalised clothes and unique accessories, such as backpacks, cushion covers... 

The fabric has a light background with different coloured circles. Each of these circles represents a main character from the famous film: Simba, Timon, Mufasa... Relive the story of one of the most famous cartoon films, through this easy to work with this fabric. 

What are the features of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Hypoallergenic fabric, ideal for all members of the family
  • Print: beige fabric with Lion King movie print
  • Width: 150 cm

What are the washing recommendations for this fabric?

  • Machine washable at 30°C max.
  • Tumble dry at medium heat
  • Iron at 150°C maximum
  • Do not bleach

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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