Katia Cable Conectors
  • Katia Cable Conectors

Cable Connectors - Katia

The Katia cables connectors are perfect to join cables with interchangeable circular needles and get the size you need. Ideal to work big pieces.


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Katia cables connectors for interchangeable circular needles. These cable connectors will help you to fix different cables in a secure way and to work big knitting projects with ease and comfort.

These accessories allow you to join some cables to others and to obtain the size that best suits your needs.

Working with circular needles has great advantages for knitters. The weight of the sewing piece is on the cable and not on your arms and hands, so it is more comfortable.

To knit big projects like blankets, ponchos, quilts, etc., you will be able to knit all the stitches you need in your circular cables thanks to the length that they offer and to these connectors, being able to join different sizes to obtain a big length. Moreover, they allow you to get results without seams.

The pack contains 3 units and a key for a better fastening.

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