€9.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric – Christmas Elements

The Cotton Fabric – Christmas Elements is perfect for the most magical time of the year. You can sew any hypoallergenic garment or accessory, such as tablecloths, curtains, t-shirs and everything you can imagine. Give your home decor a touch of colour with this Christmas fabric!

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price €2.47 (tax excl.)
price €2.98 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 4 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

11.8 meters

Detailed information

Christmas Elements is a 100% cotton fabric, very soft and pleasant to the touch. Thanks to its features, it is ideal for the whole family, both for children and adults. Everyone can wear garments made with this fabric!

You can also create any accessory or element for your home decor, such as tablecloths or curtains. You will surprise your guests with this Christmas touch.

This cotton fabric has an intense red background with small squares made with candy canes. In each of these squares you fill find a different element related to Christmas: stags, Christmas balls, bells, socks, etc.

Which are the features of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton.
  • Hypoallergenic fabric, perfect for the whole family.
  • Width: 150 cm.
  • Design: Christmas elements (stags, socks, mistletoe…) on a red background.

Recommendations for this fabric:

  • Machine wash up to 30ºC.
  • Dry at a medium temperature.
  • Iron up to 150ºC.
  • Do not use bleach.

Let yourself be inspired by this Christmas fabric and sew everything you can imagine!