€10.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric – Fir Trees

The Cotton Fabric – Fir Trees measures around 150 cm wide and is made of 100% cotton. This is a poplin-type fabric perfect to create Christmas decorations. Its print consists of several fir trees and red bonds and balls. Perfect to make Christmas decorations!

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price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 5 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

12.05 meters

Detailed information

The Cotton Fabric – Fir Trees is perfect to make decorative accessories for Christmas. Its design consists of a print of several fir trees and red balls and bonds on a beige-colored background.

This is a poplin-type 100% cotton fabric which you will find very lightweight and easy to work with. You can use it to carry through your next Christmas sewing projects.

This fabric measures around 150 cm wide.

Which are the features of the Cotton Fabric – Fir Trees?

  • Composition: 100% cotton.
  • Poplin fabric.
  • Width: around 150 cm.
  • Christmas design consisting of fir trees and red balls and bonds.
  • Perfect to make accessories and decorations for Christmas.