€14.99 per meter

Antibacterial Cotton Fabric – Superheroes

The Antibacterial Cotton Fabric – Superheroes is perfect for the youngest of the family. This waterproof material avoids that tiny droplets of saliva pass through the fabric. It is soft to the touch as well and presents a very original, colourful design of little superheroes. Your child or grandchild will love it!


Customer ratings

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price €3.72 (tax excl.)
price €4.50 (tax incl.)
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Available colours
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price €3.72 (tax excl.)
price €4.50 (tax incl.)
Tax included

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Product detail

24.9 meters

Detailed information

This Antibacterial Cotton Fabric – Superheroes is soft to the touch and suitable for children. It consists of microfibre, a mixture between polyester and polyamide. With this fabric, you can easily make protection garments or accessories for you or for your family. You can give your imagination full swing and start all those projects you have been keeping in mind for some time. 

The garments or accessories that you make with this fabric, will be very comfortable and gentle on the skin. You only need to think outside the box and create different projects, such as masks, nurse coats, trousers, etc.

This fabric’s design is perfect for the youngest superheroes of the family. They will be delighted to wear this original, colourful model and will identify with these young superheroes!

Which are the features of the Antibacterial Cotton Fabric – Superheroes?

  • Composition: microfibre (polyester and polyamide).
  • Antibacterial and waterproof fabric, perfect to make protection garments and accessories.
  • Design: superheroes fabric for children.
  • Width: 140 cm.

Recommendations for this fabric:

  • Machine wash at 30ºC maximum. 
  • Tumble dry at a medium temperature.
  • It is suitable to be ironed at 150ºC maximum.
  • Not to use bleach.

Take this opportunity and start as soon as possible to do your own projects with antibacterial treatment!

Customer ratings

4 out of 5
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