€10.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric - Hakuna Matata - The Lion King

The cotton fabric - Hakuna Matata is a hypoallergenic fabric, ideal for children and very pleasant to the skin. Its design is inspired by the mythical Disney film, The Lion King. It features a print with the various jungle animals and characters from the film on a white background. 


Customer ratings

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price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
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  "total_amount_to_display_wt" => "price €3.29 (tax incl.)"
price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
Tax included
Quantity Last items in stock

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Product detail

5.91 meters

Detailed information

This fabric is made of 100% cotton and is ideal for children as it is hypoallergenic and soft for the most sensitive skin. Make very original, fresh and soft clothes or accessories for the children in the house: dresses, pyjamas, blouses, overalls... Let your imagination run wild!

Its design will give you a nostalgic feeling as it is inspired by the famous movie The Lion King. It has a white background with a colourful print of forest animals, also characters from the movie: giraffes, flamingos, zebras, lions, etc...

What are the characteristics of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Hypoallergenic fabric, ideal for all family members
  • Tropical print inspired by the movie The Lion King.
  • Width: 150 cm.

What are the recommendations for this fabric?

  • Machine washable at a maximum temperature of 30ºC
  • Tumble dry at medium temperature
  • Iron 150ºC
  • Do not bleach

Create fun clothes for your little princes at home with this Lion King fabric. Ideal for lovers of jungle animals and the iconic cartoon!

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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