€10.95 per meter

Cotton Fabric - SponjeBob - Emojis

The SpongeBob - Emojis cotton fabric has a print of funny faces of SpongeBob, the perfect design for the little ones. It is ideal for creating garments or creative sewing projects for children and babies. Its fabric is comfortable and delicate with the most sensitive skins. Its width is 150 cm.

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price €2.71 (tax excl.)
price €3.29 (tax incl.)
Tax included

Earn 5 loyalty points for each unit.

Product detail

230.65 meters

Detailed information

The SpongeBob - Emojis fabric has a print with different caricatures of the friendly SpongeBob. Each SpongeBob presents a different funny face: smiling, sticking out his tongue, with glasses.... The little ones will love it!

It is 100% cotton fabric, so it is light and hypoallergenic. It is comfortable and perfect to be in contact with sensitive skin, and then perfect for both children and babies. You can make clothes to dress them or decorative accessories for them. It is perfect for making bedspreads or cushions, or curtains to decorate a children's room.

In addition, it can also be used to make T-shirts, overalls, dungarees, dresses and any type of garment for the little ones.

Which are the features of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Width: around 110 cm 
  • Design: different emojis of SpongeBob