€11.95 per meter

Cretonne Fabric - Koalas - Green

Koalas Green cretonne fabric is perfect for decorating and upholstering any children's clothing or accessories. It is washable and stiff, so it will be perfect for curtains, backpacks, stool upholstery etc. The design is very fun, with a lovely koala print on a green background. 


Customer ratings

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price €2.96 (tax excl.)
price €3.59 (tax incl.)
Tax included

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Product detail

10.1 meters

Detailed information

Koalas - Green is a cretonne fabric ideal for children, both in its composition and design. It is a cotton fabric, therefore hypoallergenic, which will gently treat children's skin, avoiding itching and discomfort on contact with the skin!

The cretonne fabric is characterised by its rigidity and resistance. It is thicker than normal poplin and can therefore be used to make robust clothing or accessories for you or your home. Here are some ideas of what you can do with this versatile fabric: curtains, cushions, sheets, chair or pram covers, backpacks... And much more!

The design features a beautiful print of koalas and birds in eucalyptus trees on a background of different shades of green. 

What are the characteristics of this fabric?

  • Composition: 100% cotton
  • Width: 160 cm
  • Fabric type: cretonne
  • Machine washable at 60°C maximum
  • Tumble dry at low temperature
  • Iron at medium temperature

Here is a unique opportunity to make durable and easy to wash clothes or decorative accessories. 

Customer ratings

5 out of 5
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