Canvas Fabric – Banana

The Canvas Fabric – Banana measures 280 cm wide and is made of cotton and polyester. This fabric is soft and resistant, recommended to make bags, purses, tapestries, quilts, cases, curtains, and more original ideas!


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€9.95 per meter
price €2.99
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€9.95 per meter
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Product detail


Detailed information

The Canvas Fabric – Banana presents an original print of bananas. This fabric is thick and is made of 50% cotton and 50% polyester. Ideal to make bags, purses, curtains, quilts, and more original ideas!

You can also upholster your furniture and make your own lunch bags for children.

This fabric measures 280 cm wide and thanks to its cotton fibers, it is soft and resistant at the same time.

Which are the features of the Canvas Fabric – Banana?

  • Composition: 50% cotton and 50% polyester.
  • Width: 280 cm.
  • Print of bananas.

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