9 mm adapter - VARIO pliers - Prym Love

This adapter Mini Colour Snaps Tools Set is perfect to punch snaps with the VARIO pliers. It has three components to be added to your pliers and finally put press snaps of 9mm.


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This special adapter is perfect so you can adjust your pliers to the 9 mm snaps and press them wherever you need them. If you have the VARIO pliers for piercing and rivet you can now use it for this purpose of setting the Color Snaps Mini of Prym.

  • This adapter has three easy-to-adjust pieces.

Use this adapter for the VARIO pliers to pierce or rivet.

Simply place the hard rubber buffer on the metal piece and rivet away 9mm Color Mini Snaps!

Transform your Pym pliers in a snap’s presser!

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